Hi there! I’m Dennis Barrett, hailing from Johannesburg, South Africa.
During my initial university years, I immersed myself in mathematics, both pure and applied, as well as computer science. This led on to a MSc1 and PhD2 in geometric control theory and nonholonomic Riemannian geometry, respectively. I then spent a couple of years doing postdoctoral research in nonholonomic Riemannian geometry and the geometry of homogeneous spaces.
After my postdoctoral studies, I transitioned into industry, working as a consultant—eventually Tech Lead—at Business Science Corporation. In that role I gained experience in, and an appreciation for, data analysis / science / engineering, analytics engineering, and software development. My current job involves the development of a data-driven algorithmic trading platform. In this role I have the opportunity to engage with all my areas of interest: data engineering, data science, and software development.
I’m also available for consulting work, and I’m always happy to discuss ideas and projects. Feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn or email.
My interests are many and varied, spanning the gamut of mathematics, programming and computer science, and data. I hope to share some of these interests on this website and via my Data Dispatch channels.
You can view my full CV here. My other profiles are listed below.